The Sennheiser HD650 is the first hi-fi headphones I have purchased. I was looking for a high-quality set of 'cans' that made my music sound great without spending excessive amounts of cash for a set of speakers or sound system. I also decided to go with headphones because of their portability and usability with computers, CD-players, ipods, etc.
I searched around on Amazon.com and was interested in the Sennheiser HD595. The reviews for the HD595 were extremely favorable some of them saying they were the perfect beginner audiophile headphones. I did some more research and came across head-fi.org which website/forum that covers almost everything about headphones. After reading some reviews and threads I decided to go with the more expensive HD650. From what I have read the HD650 has a better sound spectrum, is more 'dynamic', and has better cables than the lower modeled Sennheisers.
The HD650 comes in a large silver box that is lined with styrofoam on the inside. My first impression was how large the headphones are. These are definitely designed for at home or studio use. I think I would look quite silly if I wore these things outside while I am carrying on my daily life. The cable that comes with the Hd650 is very long which is very nice for freedom of movement.
As far as sound goes, the Sennheiser HD650 is a champion. The music flowing from these cans are amazing. Everything sounds great, the highs are clear and refined. The bass is perfect, it is not boomy but plenty enough that you will pleased with the way it sounds. As far as the 'burn in' process I have owned these HD650s for over a year and I can't tell the difference between now and since I first got them. Personally I believe 'burning in' your headphones is all mental.
I am happy with my purchase and glad that I didn't buy a different set of headphones. I don't see myself ever replacing these Sennheisers or selling them. They are a bit pricey at around $350.00. but the sound and build quality is well worth it.