06 December 2016

What I hate about Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 is the only Battlefield series game I have played.

Here are the things I hate as a new player.

  • Extremely cheap deaths. Be prepared to die multiple times in a row right after you spawn. This is what turns me off because it is such a large waste of time coming into a match and dying several times before even being able to move or fire a weapon. 
  • No team-balancing. Enter a game and see the enemy team overwhelmingly outscoring you and has 10 more players than your team. Not even fun and there is not point in even playing because they have you pushed against spawn. 
  • No teamwork. Battlefield 1 feels more like a large Call of Duty map where people are running around doing their own thing without helping each other. I left Call of Duty to play a game that has organization and teamwork but Battlefield is just more of the same. Most of the time you are out solo warrior running across a field with no support and a random enemy gets the drop on you. 
  • Long times for everything. Long load, menu, and deployment time. Incredibly annoying if you are stuck in cheap death mode. 
  • Forget about joining a squad if you are a scout. Want to be sneaky and pick off the enemy team? Don't join a squad as your squad mates will spawn right on top of you shooting like Rambo drawing attention to your position. 
  • Lack of stationary weapons. This is definitely not like Planetside 2 where there is a plethora of weapons and defensive items everywhere. There may be one or two machine gun or artillery pieces, but make no mistake, it is just Call of Duty on a bigger map. 
  • One directional maps. So far most of the maps are more linear with conquest points all lined up in a row. How about a perfectly square or round map with points not in a straight line? 
The game is fun, but there are a lot of things that need to be ironed out before I convert into a Battlefield fanatic. 

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