28 October 2012

Borderlands 2 - Loader #1340 in Moxxi's radio "Out of Body Experience"

25 September 2012

Borderlands 2 - Scooter's Love Poem

Borderlands 2

Scooter asks the vault hunter to run around Thousand Cuts to find inspiration for his love poem to Daisy. Freaking hilarious, check this video out.

15 September 2012

Funny Black Mesa Source video

Scientist is too concerned with fashion at Black Mesa facility

Black Mesa Source Train

Train ride at the beginning of Half Life, redone with the Black Mesa Source mod. The music is wonderful.

26 August 2012

DCS A-10C IR laser and night

IR laser from the TGP in DCS A-10C. Pretty neat for night operations and harassing other players. It is slewable just like the other modes. It must be in IR mode and not laser for it to work.

DCS Combined Arms: My first kill

My first kill in DCS Combined Arms. Entered an open server and quickly shot down a A-10C

22 August 2012

Cluster bomblet and other bugs in DCS World 1.2

Patch 1.2 for DCS World has many bugs involving munitions. The strangest bug I have found is that cluster bomblets will shoot upwards to the sky and do not stop. Pretty cool that Eagle Dynamics has simulated the darkening of the sky as you approach space. Perhaps it involves the future DCS fixed wing aircraft?

Here we have a SAM frozen in the sky. The missile does not explode or fall towards the ground. This bug affects all sorts of rocket propelled munitions such as Mavericks and AGM-84 Harpoons.
Instead of bomblets, the entire cluster bomb flies upwards or is stuck!

27 July 2012

DCS World P-51D - Dying in a fire

Ejecting on ground while the plane on fire might not be a good idea.

Taken with version 1.2

DCS P-51D is still in beta

My eyes!!! The goggles do nuzzing!!!
The flame spreads!Canon T3i 18.0MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm IS Lens - Digital

18 May 2012

DCS World - A-10C module is now available!

No more playing DCS A-10C separate from DCS World. The Module for the A-10C is out for DCS World, you can download it from the link here . Keep in mind DCS World and the module are in beta.

Black Shark module is also available for download

Some improvements I have noticed:
-Water is much darker
-Different types of explosion animations
-Gun smoke seems to be lighter and better animated

Fire is more realistic and is larger on hit ships.

Smoke looks much better in DCS World. 

16 May 2012

Skyrim - Ugly, blotchy, square shadows

Screenshots taken inside Proudspire Manor at Solitude. As you can see there are some really ugly and disgusting looking shadows on Hiroki (Wife). These blotchy shadows only appear in this area and happens to all characters as you can see in the last picture (Aela the Huntress).

I am running a 7970 with the latest drivers (12.4). In the notes these shadows and flickering boxes were supposedly "fixed" but as you can see they are not. I have had enough with the crappy AMD video drivers and I will only buy Nvidia graphic cards in the future. Some other issues I have been having include: loud obnoxious coil whine, stuttering, flickering, crossfire issues, etc.

Click on the pictures for full-size

edit: As of the latest 12.11 AMD Catalyst driver, these bugs are still there!

League of Legends - Things your team members do that make you rage

We've all experienced it before, terrible team members that make you rage and want to quit LoL forever.

Riot has made games unnecessarily long, a game in Summoner's rift on average can take anywhere from 30-45 minutes to complete. That is a SINGLE game and a lot of time/ In the past players were able to do a surrender vote in 15 minutes, now it is 20 minutes. Why has this happened? Because of the constant nerfing of items, players, summoner abilities, we have to be dragged through this very long and sometimes boring fight. So much time and energy is spent on ONE game that it makes many players angry when one person starts to troll, feed, or not communicate with the team.

Here is a list of the things that makes me rage when playing solo que:

-Players that don't speak English
-Players that don't say a single word during the game. You might be stuck in a team with poor composition and at a disadvantage, however if you can communicate and move together as a group, winning in endgame is easy.
-It is a TEAM game, yet there are people that run off and do their own thing completely mindless or ignoring what the rest of the team is doing.

Game play
-Players that don't buy wards. Buying wards in LoL is a necessity,  not an option. Catching the enemy team off-guard while they are doing Baron Nashor, Dragon, buffs, etc. can be a winning move. Too often one person will be the only person buy wards, and worse no one buys wards. Losing a game because team members will not help pitch in 75 gold to buy wards is really stupid.
-Ping spam. Riot has limited the amount of ping spam, but it still happens. Trolls work around this buy doing a slow ping spam, or burst of ping spam.
-Players that only farm. Farming in LoL is a required, however there are some players who farm, and that is it. They do not help during team fights, do not attack enemy champions, they just sit there and farm all day. What is the point of farming if you lose the game? The objective of the game is to win, not to see how much gold you can earn. It should also be noted that killing champions, assists, and taking down towers earn much more gold than farming, yet some players do not see this simple fact.

Team composition
-Having no ranged AD. Absolutely stupid, you need ranged to win, unless you are playing against noobs. With no ranged they can kite you all day long, this is so obvious yet I see it happen all the time.
-All suishy. Teams that are all glass cannons are really stupid. Nobody can take the initiative or dive. All that happens is a bunch of running around scared where the enemy team can pick you off one by one.
-No Tanks. Similar to all squishy.

Comment below if anything about your team makes you rage in League of Legends.

15 May 2012

DCS P-51D - Inside the cockpit

Various screenshots of how detailed and accurate the Mustang is in DCS P-51D. DCS P-51D is still in beta so anything could change.

Left Wing
Right Wing

Take off from Batumi Airport at dusk

Engine and Propeller controls

With the pilot added. To show the pilot press Shift + P

Very good detail of all the switches

DCS A-10C - Hovering/Floating A-10C

DCS A-10C is a game that claims to be a realistic simulation, yet you can land and taxi with all tires blown out. Fairly ridiculous that the developers would let this kind of thing happen. As you can see the plane just floats across the tarmac as if the tires were still there. At least make some sparks or have the aircraft skid around.

There is a Youtube video of a A-10C flying with both wings blown-off and on fire, yet the Warthog flies perfectly fine. These sort of things makes me shake my head, at how such a game company can get such simple things, terribly wrong.

13 May 2012

DCS A-10C - Multiplayer Screenshots

Flying inbound to way point

There are always trolls and impatient people in every game. Here is a person attempting to take-off and has already got clearance from the tower, however another pilot decides he is going to land anyways. The time it takes for someone to take off is probably less than a minute, but this person could not wait.

Pilot landing closely from the one taking off.

I joined a public server and found myself in a Canadian A-10C. The woodlands digital is pretty interesting. I guess this is Canada's take on the A-10C if they had them.