05 April 2012

DCS A-10C - Not everything looks great

Not everything in DCS A-10C is as detailed as the Warthog.

The hangars are downright hideous for a game that was released over a year ago. It looks like something out of the original Doom game. It is embarrassing to look at, especially the inside. Also the grass is really boring and flat, however there is a mod to add more detail to the ground. The super detailed A-10 looks out of place with such bland background textures. Graphic settings are all on high in the below screenshots.

Heavy aircraft such as the B-52, B-1B, C-17, etc. are not very pretty to look at and really bland. For example, take a close look at the windows for the flight deck, the panels on the planes, and tail of the B-52.

Better detail on the Viking, such as the inside of the bomb-bay, the tail hook, and munitions.

This is what really irritates me. The engines, good lord do they look ugly as sin. They do not rotate like the A-10C, they are completely still. Also they look like they were rendered in the past decade, can we get a round engine instead of some blocks? The flight deck windows look just as nasty as the B-52s.

Engines are ugly as sin

The turbojets on the B-52 in DCS A-10C do not rotate, just like the Viking. They are completely still and lifeless. Panels are not as detailed as the Warthog, just some really simple lines that look like they were painted on with MS Paint.

I hope these planes are redone sometime in the future. 

The award for the ugliest model in the DCS world goes to the TU-22M Backfire. Look how pathetic the pilot model is.
Look at the gun.

TU-95 is pretty damn ugly. Look at the engines, they look like cocoons. The guns at the tail are two black lines! 

The engine of the KC-135 is a spinning circle, not individual blades found in the F-15E, A-10C, etc.

Coming across these kind of textures is a disappointment, when you see how greatly detailed the A-10C is. A similar game I can think of is Duke Nukem Forever where you have some items that are really done well, and then mixed with extremely ugly old textures. Is it right to compare these two games? Absolutely not, DCS A-10C is a wonderful game that I love. It is probably the most fun I've had in games for a very long time and it is my favorite simulator. The issue is when you are flying along, completely immersed in the game and you come across these textures and you say to yourself "Damn that is ugly".

These models are taken from the patch.